Fuji Xerox Consumables
Below is an extract from a Fuji Xerox Printers publication that Australian Printer Services Pty Ltd was involved in "Can a Small Business Save on Printing with Non-Genuine Toner?"
The engineering behind Fuji Xerox consumables
We invented toner 60 years ago, and then we invented cartridges. The dedicated consumables engineering team at Fuji Xerox run detailed tests in the same hot and cold conditions that can occur in your offices.
We carefully study image quality factors, including colour fidelity, halftone, and solid fill image uniformity. We measure fine line reproduction, density, banding, ghosting and mottle.
We test the toner seal so there is no leakage onto your printed pages, and we even cover health and safety factors.
As a global company, we not only adhere to the most recognized global standards, but strive to meet the quality, manufacturing, environmental and process standards important
in places around the world.
Our strict adherence to standards governing quality, environmental, test protocols, hazardous chemical handling means you can be sure our genuine consumable will meet your exacting standards.
With our engineering expertise and detailed auditing, we ensure cartridges deliver on our quality requirements from the first print to the last.
Why do Fuji Xerox cartridges perform better?
Fuji Xerox leverages several patented, patent-pending and proprietary technologies to ensure the highest print quality from genuine consumables. These technologies range from the
engineering expertise that goes into the manufacturing process, through to intelligent interfacing with the printer.
Fuji Xerox cartridges are sealed with ultrasonic welding, a continuous gasket seal and patented seals. This, along with precise component manufacturing, results in superior cartridge
integrity while eliminating leakage.
Cartridges come with integrated secondary cleaning systems that ensure cartridge cleanliness and print quality by combating causes of streaking and PCR additive build up issue.
The OPC Drum is engineered to match our proprietary toner formulations, allowing us to obtain exact colour matching, image density and longevity. The toner formulations, in turn,
provide proper image matching and accurate colour density without hazing or backgrounding.
For consistent image and print densities, a combination of adder roller and doctor blade treatments and positioning help ensure even delivery of toner.
The experts agree –
Genuine Toner is your best option
For almost 20 years, Australian Printer Services has been helping SMEs and large companies with the repair, sale, stock and service of laser printers and multifunction devices.
Service Technician Brian Vickery sees first hand the damage caused by non-genuine toners, and he has a warning for small business thinking about using the cheaper option.
“In 90% of the cases we come across, it’s non-genuine toner that causes copy quality problems and jams machines,” he says. “I’ve had a number of cases where I’ve had to tell a client that their non-genuine toner has destroyed their machine.”
Brian routinely has to replace printer gears, fuser units and change drive frames because components have failed prematurely. It’s common for repairs bills to run well over $1,000.
Service Manager Doug Barnard agrees, seeing all too often the financial drain caused by non-genuine toners.
“The downtime of having a non-working machine can sometimes be more financially damaging,” he says. “If you need to be working and your printer needs to be running, non-genuine
toner is not the way to go.”
“Without proper toners we find that printers don’t run to their optimum performance.”
“But if you don’t mind fixing it all the time and forever having it down then that false economy of non-genuine toners might work for you.”
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